Highline Homestead Eggs


Farm Fresh, Free Range Eggs from Happy Chickens…

About our eggs…

We strive to provide our customers with high quality, fresh, free range eggs. Our small Flock includes about 325 hens. They love foraging for bugs, eating grass and weeds, and scratching the dirt around their coop. Our flock comes inside at night to roost and lay in nests early in the morning. Our roosters love to crow bright and early, and I have to admit I love hearing that sound! Our eggs are mostly green and brown, with some pale brown and pink eggs mixed in. You will love the flavor and rich color of our eggs. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Where to buy…

Highline Homestead Eggs are available for purchase at:

Town and Country Foods on E. Main and 11th Ave
Zeke’s Little Store (Sinclair Station) on Bridger Dr.
L&F Market in Manhattan


Summer Treats

Chickens love cool treats, especially on super hot days! Cold watermelon is a favorite.


“A box without hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit


All images are the copyright of Aly Feddes and Highline Homestead Photography.
Use of these images is prohibited unless you are granted written
permission by Aly Feddes.